Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5

Jan. 5th
The looooooooong Tuesday.

Asanas: staff pose, downward dog, a bunch of leg/hip/foldy/stretchy ones, legs over head, torso twists, courtesy of Gaiam's DVD Maintenance Yoga for Weight Loss with the infuriatingly slender and calm Susan Deason.

I work two jobs on Tuesday...first all day at my desk, then all evening behind a cash, or in the fine arts department, or fielding questions from (often dim) customers in the art store. It's a 13 hour day when it's all said and done. But, the upside is that I get to work with really good friends who make me laugh and we all hug a lot...hug and wrestle and beat each other up and make entirely inappropriate jokes out of mundane words like 'bag' 'batch' and pretty much any other double-entendre that can be abused...it's really quite friendly and happy, even when customers make us nuts. Which is always.
I had a great chat with my pal S tonight who practices yoga himself fairly often when he's not running a store or chas
ing after his 3 year old or generally being cool beans. I showed him my cool yoga apps and expressed my concern that I would never, ever, EVER be able to do half of the poses so beautifully executed by the perfect skinny people in the photos. He pointed out which people in the photos had the best tits and asses, and then told me that yes, someday, I would be able. It was just nice to hear it from a voice outside of my head. Also, good to have a 2nd opinion on who has the best tit/ass combo. Ahhh...boys.

I did the Gaiam dvd tonight...it's a great sequence
for night, it really puts my head in a good place. I like the flow of the poses, the feet-up poses and awesome stretching with a strap, and the music in the program is so so pretty, it's just lovely to sit and be present and listen to it.
Best part of the practice was Nono, fresh from dinner, quietly fighting for a sliver of mat space with me while I finished the sequence. He then stretched out with me and we both did savasana, then flipped on our sides for extreme belly-rub action. Yoga + cat = awesome.

Tomorrow morning, for the first time, I will do yoga before work. This means that I have to get up at 6:30, which means that I have to go to bed. Now.

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