Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10

Jan. 10

Asanas: take a g(aiam)uess...

Anatomy of a Sunday:

9:45 a.m. Get up, grumpy sleepy tired headache stuffy wah.
10:30 a.m. Pub breakfast with the usual suspects, and additional gang. Mmm...melt-in-your-mouth bacon. Despite transcendental bacon, my head still pounds.
1:00 p.m. Driving, Starbucks, teaching a lesson in deductive sculpture to an interesting 10 yr. old. We sling mud and talk about the injustices of grade 4, and being 33. They are surprisingly similar.
3:45 p.m. Crawling through the supermarket looking for greens. They all look like crap, and come from very, very far away. I am sidetracked by pork and broccoli and cheapo boxed pastry shells (note: these ingredients were not used together...although...)
4:45 p.m. Home, kitchen attack. Warming of tourtière filling, thawing of soup, chopping of fruit, making of crisp, washing of dishes (mothaf$#@...)
5:45 p.m. As tourières bake, I yoga. Moment of meat pie-fragranced peace is SO AWESOME. Quad muscles rejoice in stretching (also scream at me, but mostly rejoice.)
7:30 p.m. After WASHING MORE DAMNED DISHES, I step back to admire the awesomeness of meat pie and fruit crisp belated holiday gifts that I have baked for beloved coworkers. I finally feel like I have created a fitting 'thank you' for their continued awesomeness and hilarity.
8:00 p.m. Brother shows up for dinner, tourtière and garlic sautéed broccoli and apple/pear/cranberry crisp. We are all satisfied, and there's an hour and half of Simpsons on. And, during this hour and a half, we get to see pasty, awesome Morgan Spurlock in a really small speedo...essential to a successful Sunday dinner...
10:40 p.m. Mr. Awesome enjoys a slice of hand-pie (you'll have to ask him about that) while I blog, and remember the 296 things that I didn't get to this weekend. Oh well. At least we're full.

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