Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 3

Jan. 3rd (written on the cusp of Jan. 4th...oh, wait, it's past midnight. Crap.)

Asanas: I have no idea. They included one that had my ass up in the air so hilariously that I laughed at myself and almost choked 'cause I was upside down, transitioning to downward dog.
I followed a Gaiam dvd today. There was a lot of twisting, floor work, and the good long downward dog...I will research the actual poses and list them when I figure out what they are...

This is going to be short, I have to sleep. Today was my official last day of holidays. I will miss Mr. Awesome tomorrow, 'cause it's been super AWESOME spending 10 days with him. I will miss Nono and his perpetual sleeping, coziness and cute overload. And I will be happy to be back to work at a job that I like, away from holiday food and sweets and the alcohol that beckons me every hour it seems, even if I was working all day on stuff that I wish I had done last week. I am happy to report that the time off has been so effective that I am actually looking forward to getting back to work. Holy hell, who knew I needed a break that badly? (Um...everyone put your hands down...point taken...)

Today's practice was around 7 pm, just before starting dinner, as a pause between the productive day and the productive evening that was to ensue. I followed a dvd that I had all but forgotten that I had, meaning that I was doing yoga in a 4.5 X 7 foot area in front of my sofa and tv. Good thing I'm short...I was still colliding with the sofa on the knees-to-chest, roly-poly floor work. But it was relaxing and soothing and I had little moments of noticing small beautiful, random compositions in my otherwise messy house...The session was 30 mins long. It flew past. I wanted to stay in savasana forever, but I always do.
I actually got stressed out about work this evening and found myself wanting to yell at my computer, drop everything and stretch out again. Have a feeling that I'll start wishing that there was a way I could sneak some ninja yoga in at work...or in traffic...or while shopping...or....
I slept well (again!) in our own bed last night, and I look forward to it again...right...NOW.

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