Jan. 1 (written on Jan. 2...ignore time delay please...)
Asanas: (Ray of light - sun salutation variation) Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana, Uttanasana, Ardha Uttanasana, high lunge, Adho Mukha Svanasana, plank pose, Chaturanga Dandasana (barely), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Savasana
Holy crap, it's 2010. My
year of yoga challenge is already here. I am totally unprepared.
I enact the first of 365 yoga practices with two quiet repetitions of a variation of sun
salutation. It's really more of a snow salutation, as I stand in mountain pose, watching lovely snow flakes drift past the window. I can smell Christmas tree.
This is the first time I've done yoga since October. At 3 poses in, I am reminded that it's really hard. I am using Yoga Journal iPractice as my guide, this cool little app that I found for my iPod. The woman's voice is a bit higher pitched than I would like (all yoga instructors should be British dammit...with
that 'keep calm and carry on' or 'mind the gap' kind of accent...) but I kind of get used to it, the background music is just about right for first thing in the first morning of the year.
All eager to impress myself, I set the time between poses to 2.5 minutes...I just know that my inner peace will increase in leaps and bounds with a luxurious 2 and a half minutes on each pose. About 2.5 minutes later, I am stunned at my idiocy. "WTF was I thinking?" I yell to myself as I'm hanging in downward dog for what seems like an eternity. My shoulders swear hotly at me, my left wrist, always generally sore and even further bruised from a slip on the ice on New Year's eve, calls me co
mpounded names I don't dare repeat here. I totally pussy out at almost 2 mins in, collapse and pause the program, setting the time between poses to a realistic 30 seconds. I completely suck at some of the poses...my transitions are wonky, I feel my girth, weight and lack of bendyness in every single second. I remind myself that this is DAY ONE a gazillion times.
My body, now angered by hanging upside down for ridiculous amounts of time, sends a speedy message to my brain that reads something like "screw you, yoga keener you get to do this one more time before i make you HURT FOR REALS!" so I tell myself it's ok, I'm only just starting, and so two reps will be fine. Secretly, I am beyond relieved. My
shoulders and I call a truce. Seriously, Oct. 9 was the LAST time I did yoga. I'm a total beginner, wet behind the ears...or maybe I'm just bleeding out my ears from spending TOO MUCH TIME UPSIDE DOWN...?
I am head-butted by the dog as I transition into downward dog the second time around. I take this as a good omen, despite the fact that he damn near knocks me on my ass...
Whilst dead in corpse pose, I smell coffee brewing. The rest of the family is up, and they are preparing to caffeinate me. Bless their cotton socks.
About 4 hours later, I realize just how sore I SUDDENLY AM. Crap.